Our Heritage of Thought- A Religious and Philosophical Study
This book is simply an earnest Endeavour to find out the fact. It is published only for those who have no time for individual research. The author offers readers and scholars material for thought, from which each must deduce his inferences and draw his conclusions.
It is deals with Egyptian Thought; Babylonian Thought; Semitic thought -Assyrians, Phoenicians, Jews; Hindu Thought-Rig-Veda, Samkhya, Yoga, Vedanta, Buddhism, Bhagavad-Gita; Chinese Thought; Aryan Thought; Greek Thought-Homeric Poems, The Mysteries, Pythagoreanism, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism; Alexandrian Thought-Hellenistic Epoch, Philo Judaeus, Hermes Tris-megistus, Gnosticism, Essenism, Clemens Alexan drinks, Origen, Plotinus; Confusion of Thought; Thought in Western Europe Druidic thought, Mediaeval thought, Giordano Bruno, Spinoza, Kant; Recent Thought in Western Europe-Schopen Hauer, Comte, John Stuart Mill, Herbert Spencer; Abstract of the Inheritance.
**Contents and Sample Pages**