Sanskrit poets have enriched and embellished the Sanskrit language with various devices among which the maxims or Nyayas are important. The maxims or worldly sayings incorporate the stories or legends current among the people and impart sound advice to the people. They are the gems of wisdom, collected from the ocean of human patterns of behavior. Laukikanyaya sahasri of Bhuvanesvara appears to be the first attempt in this regard. Many books are published in Indian languages recently to collect as many Nyayas as possible. The endeavor goes on. Scholars have tried to delve deep into the vast ocean of traditional Nyayas, about different spheres of human activities. The present book is a humble attempt in that direction. This is neither a beginning nor an end. The task of collecting Nyayas is a continuous process. The ever-expanding horizon of worldly life is giving rise to condensed expressions of human traits. This Laukikanyayakosa appears to be an unending process of studying human nature through condensed sayings.