A Role Of Boon (Varadana) In Some Upanisadic Stories
The boons and the curses function significantly in Vedas, Epics, and Puranas. Sometimes the boon becomes a remedy over the curses, it leads to the development of the plot of they remain static in a way on the other hand.
Upanisadas refer to devotion, contemplation, and sincere faith as means to the boon. The Upanisadas furnish in the Upanisadas we come across many stories, myths, and legends some of which have a boon as the motif.
There are works like stories of dialogues. This book is a mere collection of stories from Upanisadas in which Diwakar summarises the theme of the stories. These stories do not deal with story elements and the boon bearing. The scholars have touched on these stories from a philosophical, educational, and social point of view. Still, they are not evaluated from the Varadana perspective. Hence it is proposed to highlight the genesis of the boon motif from Samhitas to Puranas and thus thereby to postulate the concept of Varadana, the prime emphasis being on Upanisadas Upanisadic seers impart in discourses about pancagnividya, paryanka-vidya or Brahmavidya. In the dialogue, the light is thrown on the Shreyas and prayers or the two paths leading a man to descend up or to descend. Five great acaryas commentaries do project s on metaphysics, eschatology, and metempsychosis so far the relevant passages are analyzed.